Dymes In Music:
-By Sandra Billups, DYME Magazine
Follow Keyana:
What got you into R&B?
The 90's era got me into R&B. That era of music was so amazing, I just wanted to be involved.
What do you love most about being on stage?
Being on stage is so surreal. It's hard for me to say what I like most. It's like becoming someone else for a while. The moment I come off stage, the musical high comes down.
What are some of the most memorable shows you've done?
My show during New York Fashion Week, I only performed one song, but oh boy, it was magical.
If you had a chance to make a song with your favorite artist, who would it be?
Trey Songz for sure!
How are you able to influence people with your music?
By just putting life's natural feelings and emotions into songs. I hope folks can find relevance to the songs I sing although most don't want to touch these subjects.
What is your favorite track you recorded?
It's a tie between "Private Party" and "Automatic".
If you had to give advice to someone following in your footsteps what would your advice be?
Put in the work and never give up. Prepare your mental for things and people you'll have to sacrifice.
Do you think it's better to be an independent artist in today's music industry?
No way, I feel having that major label support is always best. I used to worry about artist's freedom but, it seems labels today are allowing artists creative freedom.
What upcoming projects/ events do you have coming up that our readers can look out for?
More music, videos, movies, features...and just hard work!